Central Christian College of the Bible

Many skeptics today view Christianity as a false religion. They affirm that believers merely have emotional experiences at church and that Christians do not like facts or science.

New Day stands on the truth of God’s Word and is answering the call to prioritize education. When God’s people invest in Christian education, believers are encouraged and become better at articulating truth to a lost and confused world.

Christianity proves true no matter what discipline you study.

Central Christian College of the Bible (CCCB) offers 2 degrees online in partnership with New Day:

Associate of Arts in General Studies

Bachelor of Arts in Christian Ministries

This program is right for you whether you are answering God’s call to ministry, or you are a high school student seeking concurrent enrollment credits from a conservative Christian College.

As a traditional college student who wants to earn an associate degree from the perspective of a Christian worldview, New Day Christian Church can help you achieve God’s goals for your life.

New Day also has a Residency Program, which offers opportunities to gain ministry experience at church and earn valuable scholarships to help finance your education.


If you are interested in learning more about New Day’s partnership with CCCB or New Day’s Residency Program, please contact us by clicking the button below.


Dr. Allen leads New Day’s partnership with Central Christian College of the Bible.