You may be aware that in 2022 God laid it on the hearts of the members of Central Church of Christ to approach New Day about merging with us and using their building as a New Day campus in Sarasota. After much thought and prayer, the elders of New Day moved forward with this merger, and in early 2023, Central Church of Christ disbanded and officially became a part of New Day.
Remodeling the Sarasota building so that it is ready for outreach will be an expensive venture. In addition, we need to spend some money at the Port Charlotte Campus to update an aging facility and provide the best technology for broadcasting to our campuses. The cost of these projects is estimated at $2.5 million. This is a giant leap of faith, but we serve a giant God. Please pray that God will stir our hearts and grant us great success.
Let’s work together to reach one more for our Lord.
In Jesus,
Pastor Rusty
A successful campaign requires prayer, a clear vision, and the support and involvement of all members. We urge you to prayerfully consider financially supporting this campaign. We also encourage you to pray for the success of the campaign, and for the church in this season.
We had the opportunity to commit to the One More Campaign during our services on March 16 and 17, 2024. If you are still interested in committing to the campaign, click the button below.
Pastor Rusty moved from Indiana with his wife, Kellie, and their four children to become the lead pastor of New Day. Rusty discovered that the church’s move to Peachland Blvd. a few years earlier was costly and that New Day was $4.7 million in debt.
The church embarked on a debt reduction campaign and raised over $1.6 million to alleviate the financial strain, spurring a new season of growth and opportunity.
New Day, unlike most churches in America, matched pre-pandemic attendance after only two years, and with only one campus. Around 1,800 people were attending in person each week.
Outreach Magazine listed New Day as America’s 61st fastest-growing church. The church had an average of 2,231 people attending in-person and around 1,000 attending online. New Day grew from 1 campus to 3 campuses. In addition, 382 people were baptized into Christ (which was 180 more baptisms than the previous year).
Only God knows what the future holds for New Day Christian Church. Jesus calls us to make disciples who make disciples. We believe our job is not done if there is still One More person that we can help win to Christ. Likewise, our job is not done if there is One More community to reach with a new campus. We hope that every person we influence will know the grace and hope that comes through Jesus Christ our Lord.

We are excited to be launching a new campus in Sarasota and reaching One More in this beautiful community. With the addition of our Sarasota Campus next year, we will be expanding our ministry beyond the walls of our current campuses.
God is moving in miraculous ways here in Southwest Florida. He has grown New Day and blessed us with the opportunity to expand into different parts of the community. With this expansion, we need to update the Port Charlotte Campus’ aging facility and provide the best technology for broadcasting to the other campuses.
God is moving, and we get to be a part of His work. The Bible tells us to
make disciples of all nations, and we are doing just that! This is what reaching One More is all about, and we cannot wait to go on this journey with you.
Bringing our first and best to the Lord.